Against a User Hostile Web
The web is slowly becoming a corporate imitation of its old self. Also see its follow-up, The Small Web.
Motherf**king Website
Webpages don't need to be some baroque experiment to see how much JavaScript you can use to display a bit of text.
Thirteen Years of Bad Game Code
From back when /r/gamedev wasn't full of self-promotion, a user goes through code from all their failed game projects and looks into their amateur mistakes.
Gamedev tricks
A bunch of neat game engine and programming tricks devised to work around limitations, bugs, and difficulties. Interesting for non-programmers as well.
The Development of the C Language
Written by the creator of the C programming language himself, this paper summarises the precedents and conditions that led to the genesis of the C language.
I'm too lazy (and probably not smart enough) to ever develop my own OS, but reading these peoples' exploits is pretty interesting.
A compendium of lists of technological and programming tools.
The Daily WTF
Some people aren't good at coding.
Learn X in Y minutes
Basic summaries of different languages' constructs coded in the languages themselves. Of a similar vein, but not related, is Rosetta Code, a self-described "programming chrestomathy site".
Debugging Stories
Some amusing and interesting stories about debugging. Really only fascinating for tech geeks; also see Developers share dirty coding tricks.
MDN web docs
The best documentation for Web development.
Lists all the things that can go in the HTML <head> element. I wouldn't recommend putting everything in there, to say the least.
A List Apart
Originally a mailing list, A List Apart is one of the best web development-oriented publications, boasting articles from many important figures.
Dark Patterns
A site which collects dark patterns - tricks used by web developers to deceive users into performing an unintended action.
Cascading Style Sheets
HÃ¥kon Wium Lie's very dense PhD thesis, in which he chronicles the influences and design rationale behind his CSS language.
I usually wouldn't call out specific best practices, but their team just really know what they've doing. I don't know why everyone isn't switching.
Public APIs
A compilation of freely available APIs that allow you to access art, data, statistics, information, pictures, and tech.
Text Hates You
It indeed does.
Langton's Ant Simulator
Play around with Langton's ant in your browser.
Use svgo to optimise SVG files visually.
Use web developer tools on your phone.